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Committee Meeting Notes, August 14, 2019


Thanks to these 13 powerful Pioneers who were able to attend our meeting: Trudy Benner, John Bilhorn,  Marsha Boedeker, Sara Crook, Deborah Erb, Joan Johnson, Margo Keen, Terry Markway, Linda Marr, Susan McNamara, Randy Mulcahy, Marty Stegeman and Patti Smith.




While not understanding most/any of what was shared with us due to my computer challenges (i.e. I still have a landline), know that we are in good hands with Marty and Sara working with Kirkwood to update our classmate list. 


Marty would appreciate having a Committee member back-up to help him with these changes, so let him know if you are available. He wisely won't be contacting me.


The following Committee volunteers gave us an update on their progress in trying to get updated information on about 27 classmates each:


  • Linda Marr (Antoine thru Climer): Has been able to find 2 - 3 classmates.

  • Marsha Boedeker (Collins thru Fields): As I was busy consuming a beverage, unsure if Marsha was able to find 11 or 2 (II) classmates, but keep up your great efforts, Marsha!
  • Debbie Koewing (Flippen thru Huegerich): If possible, please share your updates with Marty by 10/1.

  • Patrick Winning (Jackson thru McGuire): If possible, please share your updates with Marty by 10/1.

  • Margo Keen (McPherson thru Richarson): If possible, please share your updates with Marty by 10/1.

  • Thomas Stevenson (Ridings thru Stickler): If possible, please share your updates with Marty by 10/1.

  • Sara Crook (Strecker thru Zydek): If possible, please share your updates with Marty by 10/1 (sadly, we recently learned of Jim Strecker's passing this month).




Margo presented a wide variety of high quality KHS Class of '70 50th Reunion tee shirts and hats that she created for our possible purchase. After much discussion (and attempts to make them fit our always stellar physiques at the meeting), many of those attending liked (I think) the dark red ARB shirt, the heather and red tri-blend shirt and the gold option KHS shirt and/or possibly a new brand. Thank goodness Margo will take pictures of those that will be available, which will then be posted on our website.




A Memorial Brick (#549) from our class honoring all our Class of '70 classmates can be viewed in front of the football stadium entrance on Essex.  




The same photographer who did an outstanding job for us during our last reunion, has been booked by Sara for our Saturday night event. An added plus; in addition to our always photogenic selves, will be that the pictures can be printed on the spot for immediate picture gratification (and autograph). Now, if they could also be photoshopped.




After a cordial post beverage debate, the majority voiced their support for “Long and Winding Road” as our Reunion theme. Probably based on our memory of travels on I-244, Highland Avenue and Kirkwood/Lindbergh Road.




  • Friday Night (Terry and Patti): At Jefferson Grill. Much discussion about wrist bands (or tattoos) and name tags

  • Saturday KHS Tour (Sue McNamara): Need to confirm a 10 am KHS tour with Amy at Kirkwood School District. Consider having donuts, coffee and the ability to purchase tee shirts. 

  • Saturday Night (Sara and two additional Committee members needed): At Westborough Country Club. Sign-in, name tags or lanyards, menu, decorations (if any) and slide show TBD. Terry shared the (free) centerpieces that we can use again. Trudy will research the possibility and cost of a DJ. 

  • Sunday Picnic (Marsha Boedeker and Linda Marr): At Kirkwood Park. Need to coordinate reserving it for 9/13/20 on 11/1/19 at the Kirkwood Community Center as first come, first serve.




The Class of '69 Reunion: While not anticipated as having the same "class" as our own, will be this September. They anticipate those attending their Saturday night event currently totaling 105. Some Committee members will be dropping by/crashing to get ideas from it.


The Class of '68 had 178 attend their Saturday night event ($75 per person).

The Class of '67 had 190 attend their Saturday night event ($80 per person).  





Save The Date: Wednesday, 10/2



Our Class has no Healthcare or Recession fears

We now have Medicare, Social Security and a few (?) beers.


Hope to see you in October!



Respectfully (sort of) submitted,

Patti Smith



--The Class of '70 has no fears; we are ageless Pioneers --






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