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Committee Meeting Notes, December 5, 2018


Subject: KHS Class of ’70 50th Reunion: Reunion Committee Reunion
From: Patti Smith

KHS70reunions Committee Attendees (aka most of the usual suspects): Sue Bechtold, Marsha Boedeker, Sara Crook, Trudy Benner, Terry Markway, Debbie Erb, Patrick Winning, Debbie Ellis, Sue McNamara, Randy Mulcahy, Linda Marr, Patti Smith and Marty Stegeman




* Possible locations for the weekend event on 9/20: Transportation Museum, theater in Kirkwood (under construction), Viking/Holiday Inn, Sunset 44 & Westborough Country Club. On Friday: Jefferson Grill.


Besides being in agreement that Happy Hour was alive and well, all agreed that the Reunion events should be kept casual to maximize interaction (and to keep the volume down for our audio-challenged classmates).


*  KHS Tour on Saturday morning (sometime before nap time)


*  Kirkwood Park picnic or brunch: Possibly on Sunday, 9/13/20


* Class of '70 Reunion website: Under construction, like the Kirkwood Theater, by Marty


*  Caterers: Sue McNamara will research


* Kirkwood High Alumni Assoc.: They will hold money for us to pay bills. They would be appreciative of a monetary gift from our class (as would each of our Pioneers to help pay our underestimated MO State Income Tax this year). We discussed donating money for a brick. A spirited debate was held regarding the amount, if any, that might be donated.


Next meeting: Wednesday, 1/16/18, 6:00 pm @ Duffy's in Kirkwood

Hope to see you there. Attendance could reduce the chance of being volunteered.



--The Class of '70 has no fears; we are ageless Pioneers --






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