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Committee Meeting Notes, October 3, 2018


Subject: KHS Class of ’70 50th Reunion: Reunion Committee Reunion
From: Patti Smith

KHS Class of ’70 Attendees (aka most of the usual suspects): Sue Bechtold, Marsha Boedeker, Sara Crook, Joni Johnson, Debbie Koewing, Eric Kuhlman, Randy Mulcahy, Linda Marr, Patti Smith and Marty Stegeman


Being of retirement age, but always Baby Boomer ageless, our first order of business was financial; although it did appear that food and drink preceded this discussion, thank goodness. Our current balance is $3,680.33, thanks to a generous donation from our recently departed Pioneer & KHS Reunion Committee member, Dave Millard. Debbie will send out a Memorial list for us to update regarding those unfortunate Class of ’70 classmates that have departed and will thus be unable to attend this Reunion (which is the only acceptable reason for NOT attending).


On a lighter note, after several beverages, Marty shared information regarding our web page and Facebook (which I thought was only for pictures of our grandkids, dogs, cats and food).


Debbie and Marty discussed sending out a test email using the addresses we used previously to try to update our records. Kirkwood School District Alumni Office will also be a source of help for us.


We discussed the theme of our 50th Reunion with agreement that it should be casual, fun, hearing aid friendly and not labor intensive; meaning we won’t need to haul in our own decorations and beverages (which could prove dangerous with walkers, canes, medications, early Happy Hour, etc.). The date will be determined by availability but will probably be in the Fall, 2020. Location suggestions were all predictably in the 63122 area, with Webster being soundly ruled/booed out. Some things never change. We are in need of a place to celebrate on Friday and Saturday nights, and possibly have a brunch or picnic in Kirkwood Park on Sunday. After research by Committee members of possible locations that would be honored to host us, further discussion will be held at our next meeting.

Next meeting: Wednesday, 12/5/18, 6:30 pm

Hope to see you there. Attendance could reduce the chance of being volunteered.



--The Class of '70 has no fears; we are ageless Pioneers --





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