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Committee Meeting Notes, January 16, 2019


Subject: KHS Class of ’70 50th Reunion: Reunion Committee Reunion
From: Patti Smith

KHS70reunions Committee Attendees (aka most of the usual suspects): Debbie Reger Menley, Joan Kathrinus Johnson, Marsha McNabb Boedeker, Sara English Crook, Trudy Smith Benner, Terry Tucker Markway, Debbie Eatherton Erb, Patti Smith and Marty Stegeman


* Kirkwood Alumni Assoc.: Donations are accepted direct from grateful Pioneers. They will email Save The Date information to our classmates based on the contact information on file.


* Jefferson Grill: Reserved (several times by our always eager Alums) for Friday, 9/11/20


* Location of Saturday, 9/12 event: Committee members will be asked by email to vote for their preference. Your vote will include a FREE Class of '70 Reunion Committee Membership that will entitle/request your presence at future Reunion Committee meetings. Or at least a donation to the Committee for refreshments at said meetings, as although we are not cheap dates, we can be bought.


* T-shirts: Consideration will be given to pursuing t-shirts. Cost: priceless at this time.


* Sunday festivities: Discussion was held in regards to having this event at the Kirkwood Train Station. This will require a deposit/commitment which, as Baby Boomers, we are sometimes reluctant to give.


* KHS Tour on Saturday: Sara will research.


* Contacts: Sara will get an update on our contacts and, with Terry's help, will email them to committee members to help update them, as this will be how we will contact our classmates about the Reunion. It is suggested that all such work be completed sometime after our nap, during Happy Hour but before we fall asleep in front of the TV.


* Class of '70 website: Kudos to Marty, for his work on this project, especially in light of his recent arm surgery. He thought he might be excused (for at least ‘til our next meeting), but no Pink Slips for him from his fellow classmates. 


All agreed that the next Class of '70 Reunion Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4/17 at 6 pm.  
Location: TBD 


Hope to see you there!


People born in the FIFTIES:

*  Had the best music

*  Awesome cars

*  Drive-In Theaters

*  Happy Days


I bet each of us can think of a bunch more, if we could remember them... Remember that we aren't even that old yet (contrary to what our kids and grandkids think); we're just that cool. Thanks to Linda Marr for sharing these inspirational words.

Hope to see you there. Attendance could reduce the chance of being volunteered.



--The Class of '70 has no fears; we are ageless Pioneers --






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